“Underground encounters” is an open visual file, a work in progress that extends over several years and started in 1973, in Paris. The selection presented here comprises a few summary sentences, a few verses, of that longer narrative. The photographs have all been taken in the Paris subway, le metro, an awe-inspiring underground structure of tunnels, stairs, escalators, and mechanized walks, that epitomize mass transit technology. Its tubular subterranean nature resembles a giant sewer system where the flowing waste is, in fact, us, depersonalized humans in purgatorial transit. Metaphorically, descending into the depths of the metro is like crossing the threshold between inner and outer human experience. These are fragments of that crossing.
“... en todo caso, había un solo túnel, oscuro y solitario: el mío.”
“... in any case, there was only one tunnel, dark and solitary: mine.”
(E. Sabato, The Tunnel)
“... en todo caso, había un solo túnel, oscuro y solitario: el mío.”
“... in any case, there was only one tunnel, dark and solitary: mine.”
(E. Sabato, The Tunnel)