when rain falls
as it blurs, a wash of rain also takes away a certain degree of clarity while retaining a degree of distorting translucence
underground encounters
descending into the depths of the metro is like crossing the threshold between inner and outer human experience, “... in any case, there was only one tunnel, dark and solitary: mine. “... en todo caso, había un solo túnel...
is an on-going project that approaches civic space as a suggestive canvass of consumption where reality and fiction cross both visually and ideologically
cuba waiting
waiting in cuba is what people do, it is a cultural demeanor, a state of mind
cuba, una sola idea / a single will
what are we and what will we be but a unique history, a unique idea, a unique will for all time
the tunnel of deceit: the barracks
the tunnel was built, the train didn't come
the tunnel of deceit: the station that never was
horses and lettered walls
unlimited growth inc: writings on the wall, spaces within, spaces whatever
Beyond documenting a suggestive urban setting that displays contrasting civic structures and expressly comments on our global consumer culture, the images explore qualities of subjacent spaces-within...
they are fragments of a larger whole, and they are graphic instances of the allusive potentialities of light, darkness, color, disconnection and emptiness characteristic of any-space-whatevers.
riot night in canada: vancouver, june 2011
In as much as some of the store windows displayed mannequins -mostly of female figures-, and commercialized images of alluring femininity, the resulting violence also portrays an implicit aggression, intended or not, towards the human (female) body.
The initial photographs have been partially re-imagined and are presented cropped, refragmented, fractured, to establish a complementary relation between elements of form and content.
A fragmented/fractured style to portray, and correspond to, a moment of fractured civility.
"soy una raya en el mar fantasma en la ciudad": am a ghost in the city, a line in the water, a ray in the sea
"pa una ciudad del norte / yo me fui a trabajar / mi vida la dejé / entre ceuta y gibraltar / soy una raya en el mar / fantasma en la ciudad / mi vida va prohibida / dice la autoridad..." (Manu Chao, Clandestino)
to a city in the north / I went looking for work / I left my life / between Africa and Europe / I'm a line, a dash, a ray / in the sea / a ghost in the city / my life is forbidden / according to the law…
scenes unseen
to come
enrique manchon photographs...
cuba, una sola idea / a single will
all images copyright © enrique manchon 2013